sarah lim




Professional affiliations

Member of Korean Bar Association (KBA)

Member of Seoul Bar Association (SBA)


Partner, Seoul Law Group

Advisory, National Assembly Secretariat

Associate, Seju Law Firm

Associate, Chamjin Law firm


Securities Investment Fraud Defense:

Assisted a client accused of securities investment fraud, resulting in a successful outcome of suspended sentence in criminal litigation.

Hit-and-Run Defense:

Represented a client accused of vehicle abandonment post car accident (hit and run), resulting in a minimal fine in summary procedure.

Mutual Assault Defense:

Obtained a non-indictment decision for a client accused of mutual assault, resolving the case successfully.

Corporate Fund Embezzlement and Fraud Defense:

Secured a non-indictment decision for a client facing accusations of embezzlement and fraud involving corporate funds.

Illicit Pornography Distribution Defense:

Achieved a non-indictment decision for a client accused of distributing illicitly filmed pornography.

Cyber Defamation Representation:

Successfully filed a complaint on behalf of an Instagram influencer cyber-defamed, leading to criminal indictment proceedings.

Common-Law Marriage Dissolution:

Represented a husband in a common-law marriage dissolution and property division case, resulting in a favorable termination of the marriage and settlement of property division.

Unfair Job Dismissal:

Successfully invalidated the dismissal of a client from the job and ensured payment of unpaid wages.

Division of Inherited Property:

Represented clients in proceedings for the division of inherited property, including land and savings, among siblings.

Unfair Profit Mediation:

Represented a defendant in a case where one brother profited unfairly from a rented inherited property, successfully mediating for a partial return of the unjust gains.

Alimony Claim Mediation:

Acted as legal counsel for a plaintiff claiming alimony against an adulterous woman, leading to successful mediation proceedings.